Page History
- july 6, 2024 - removed the Contact page, due to spam.
- december 27, 2020 - updated my CV.
- october 25, 2019 - added the reCAPTCHA check on the Contact page, also fixed the page footer.
- october 20, 2019 - fixed the sendmail function on the Contact page.
- october 18, 2019 - after a loooong inactive period, I finally got back to this page, removed the photo/video pages (content was inactive since 2012 anyway) and did minor updates, mostly added Ix and Lilou.
- ... big time-out ...
- may 1, 2011 - finally added the 2010 photos... plus a few minor corrections on the display pages.
- march 22, 2011 - added the contact page again, had to be rewritten as it's on another server now. working allright, though.
- march 20, 2011 - fixed some addressing errors, mostly within the photo pages.
- march 19, 2011 - page version v3 beta is online, being tested for correct display, addressing and linking.
- march 12, 2011 - started working on the new v3 page layout, that's it, no more frames. it looks neat, still lots of work in progress.
- september 2, 2010 - small change in the index pages, for better SEO ranking.
- january 8, 2010 - all 2009 photos are in.
- june 4, 2009 - photos are to date.
- may 21, 2009 - also registered :)
- may 21, 2009 - new domain added - as an alias for
- january 15, 2009 - added a php IP logger for the CV access - big brother is watching :)
- november 21, 2008 - after a rather long pause, I finally managed to put the 2008 photos online, up to october.
- august 19, 2008 -
.ro is now hosted by, same provider as for the other domains.
- august 19, 2008 - new domain added - redirected towards
- march 3, 2008 - added almost all 2007 photos, updated menus for the 2008 photos, to follow soon.
- august 28, 2007 - a few videos are online.
- august 26, 2007 - corrected one small photo display bug, added some photos.
- june 23, 2007 - finally finished the draft of the new layout and put it online. hope you'll like it. now it supports english, french, and romanian.
- june 19, 2007 - started working on the new layout. always simple, just plain html, "made with notepad", but with a better look (I think...).
- april 6 and may 31, 2007 - some more pictures before, during, and after the holidays.
- february 4, 2007 - new photo updates - first snowdrops in january :).
- november 3, 2006 - more photos. photo archives finally online (the links are on the bottom of the yearly photo pages).
- september 10, 2006 - updated photos for the last 4 months.
- august 11, 2006 - new domains are active (at least at my ISP), redirectors have been put in place, they all point towards the same website now.
- august 10, 2006 - registered the and domains!
- april 14, 2006 - after a long pause, added some more photos and removed stats as they're not auto-updated.
- november 29, 2005 - added Aby :).
- november 5, 2005 - added access statistics from ISP, will update monthly. photos are to date.
- october 24, 2005 - finally updated after a long pause. photo pages are in php now, for less overhead (I hope). design is a bit refreshed. upped photos until july 2005.
- march 12, 2005 - last update before moving out to the new home.
- january 5, 2005 - added a
message form.
- january 4, 2005 - all photos are @ISP. added a counter:

- november 14, 2004 - hosting and design change for the photo pages, they'll be progressively upgraded.
- october 5, 2004 - changed the location for the last photos, now they're hosted, my ISP. from now on I'll try to upload the latest photos there, and keep only the archives @home.
- july 23, 2004 - changed hosting again to, and added lots of photos from the last three months.
- april 24, 2004 - changed homepage hosting - switched from wanadoo to free, and added some photos - finally I have a camera again.
- april 22, 2004 - changed ISP, got 1024kbps download, but upload speed stays the same for now, access to the photos will still be slow.
- february 7, 2004 - photos again, added and reorganized.
- december 2003 - CV's updated for Radu and Cici.
- march 8, 2003 - a few nice photos from South Africa, MRTG stats for my server@home and lots of older photos since 1999 to 2002, also changed the organisation a little bit.
- january 1, 2003 - Happy New Year!
- december 22, 2002 - xmas tree photos :).
- november 11, 2002 - upped more photos.
- september 27, 2002 - upped some more photos and fixed some links in the photo pages.
- september 24, 2002 - layout re-rendered for the photo pages, with different colors to fit better the existing design.
- september 23, 2002 - physical.disk.crash@home! it worked for about 12 hours only... I had a spare, so it's working again.
- september 22, 2002 - changed server@home. it should be working allright now.
- september 21, 2002 - new layout uploaded to simple, pragmatic. links to files on on dsl connection.
- september 2002 - started. no layout. just photos. lots. server crashes very often, must change.
- august 2002 - photos added. lots of them. many nice faces. and many nice butts (from the Cote d'Azur).
- july 2002 - page moved to new layout. just a raw page with links to the old one and promises for something better.
- february 2002 - frame layout tests. some page done. not uploaded due to slow connections.
- january 2002 - photos added. december 2001 - january 2002. new year's eve. nice pictures.
- august 3, 2001 - photos added. summer 2001, on the .ro seaside. great asses, indeed!
- may 6, 2001 - new layout for the page. made with MS Publisher. no frames. not very cute, but working.
- february 6, 2001 - first layout. hand-made. no frames. (almost) no graphic. just to have something up there.
- february 2, 2001 - managed by great service! (read: "free service"). tnx!
- february 2, 2001 - registered in ro-tld.
- february 1, 2001 - registration request sent to ro-tld.